Julie Craft Van De Weghe, Ph.D.
Senior Postdoc Research Fellow ǀ julievdw@uw.edu ǀ Seattle, WA
University of Washington ǀ Department of Pediatrics ǀ Division of Genetic Medicine
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 2016-present
Senior Postdoc Research Fellow, Mentor: Dr. Dan Doherty
University of Georgia, Athens, GA 2009-2015
Ph.D. in Cellular Biology, Advisor: Dr. Karl Lechtreck
University of Georgia, Athens, GA 2008
BS in Cellular Biology
•Van De Weghe JC, Rusterholz T, Latour B, Grout M, Aldinger K, Shaheen R, Dempsey J, Maddirevula S, Cheng Y, Phelps I, Gesemann M, Goel H, Birk O, Alanzi T, Rawashdeh R, Khan A, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Bamshad M, Nickerson D, Neuhauss S, Dobyns W, Alkuraya F, Roepman R, Bachmann-Gagescu R, and Dan Doherty. (2017) Mutations in ARMC9, which encodes a basal body protein, cause Joubert syndrome in humans and ciliopathy phenotypes in zebrafish. American Journal of Human Genetics. July 6;101(1)23-36.
This paper was featured in ASHG’s Trainee Paper Spotlight at https://www.ashg.org/education/trainee_papers/PaperSpotlight_VanDeWeghe.shtml
•Shi X, Garcia III G, Van De Weghe JC, McGorty R, Pazour G, Doherty D, Huang B, and Reiter JF. (2017) Super-resolution microscopy reveals that disruption of ciliary transition zone architecture causes Joubert syndrome. Nature Cell Biology. Oct;19(10):1178-1188.
•Lechtreck KF, Van De Weghe JC, Harris A, and Liu P. (2017) Protein transport in growing and steady-state cilia: Controlling ciliary protein content. Traffic.18(5):277-286.
•Kubo T, Brown JM, Bellve K, Craige B, Craft JM. Fogarty K, Lechtreck KF, and Witman GB. (2016) Together, the IFT81 and IFT74 N-termini form the main module for intraflagellar transport of tubulin. Journal of Cell Science. 129(10):2106-19. Times cited: 7
•Craft JM, Harris JA, Hyman SM, Kner P, and Lechtreck KF. (2015) Tubulin Transport by IFT is Upregulated During Ciliary Growth by a Cilium-autonomous Mechanism. Journal of Cell Biology. 208(2)223-237. Times cited: 32
This publication was featured in JCB’s biosights at http://jcb.rupress.org/site/biosights/biosights_jan_19_2015.xhtml.
UGA issued a press release regarding this manuscript at http://news.uga.edu/releases/article/researchers-image- measure-tubulin-transport-in-cilia-0115/.
This work was highlighted in American Society of Cell Biology Post at http://ascb.org/a-new-controller-for-thomas-the-tubulin-engine/.
•Bustamante JM, Craft JM, Crowe BD, Ketchie SA, and Tarleton RL. (2014) New, Combined, and Reduced Dosing Treatment Protocols Cure Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Mice. Journal of Infectious Diseases. Jan;209(1):150-62. Times cited: 37
•Wren KN, Craft JM, Tritschler D, Schauer S, Patel DK, Smith EF, Porter ME, Kner P, and Lechtreck KF. (2013) A Differential Cargo-Loading Model of Ciliary Length Regulation by IFT. Current Biology. Dec 16;23(24);2463-71. Times cited: 43
This publication recommended by the Faculty of 1000 (http://f1000.com/prime/718201361) and was featured in a Current Biology dispatch at: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098221301498X
•Lechtreck KF, Brown JM, Sampaio JL, Craft JM, Shevchenko A, Evans JE, and Witman GB. (2013) Cycling of the signaling protein phospholipase D through cilia requires the BBSome only for the export phase. Journal of Cell Biology. 201(2):249-61. Times cited: 39
•Collins, MH., Craft, JM., Bustamante, JM., and Tarleton, RL. (2011). Oral exposure to Trypanosoma cruzi elicits a systemic CD8+ T cell response and protection against heterotopic challenge. Infection and Immunity. 79(8):3397-406. Times cited: 18
•Harris JA*, Van De Weghe JC*, Kubo T, Witman GB, and Lechtreck KF. (2018) Diffustion rather than IFT provides most of the tubulin required for axonemal assembly. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/02/20/268573 *shared first author
•Van De Weghe JC, Brooke Latour, Tamara Rusterholz, Arianna Gomez, Caitlin Miller, Jennifer Dempsey, Ruxandra Bachmann-Gagescu, Ronald Roepman, and Dan Doherty. December 2018. Genetic and functional approaches highlight a novel ciliary complex implicated in Joubert syndrome. American Society of Cell Biology and European Molecular Biology Organization Conference. San Diego, CA
•Van De Weghe JC, Brooke Latour, Tamara Rusterholz, Arianna Gomez, Caitlin Miller, Jennifer Dempsey, Ruxandra Bachmann-Gagescu, Ronald Roepman, and Dan Doherty. October 2018. Genetic and functional approaches highlight a novel ciliary complex implicated in Joubert syndrome. American Society of Human Genetics Conference. San Diego, CA
•Van De Weghe JC and Dan Doherty. May 2018. Dysfunction Junction, What’s the Ciliary Malfunction in Joubert Syndrome? UW Pediatrics Genetic Medicine Retreat. Seattle, Washington.
•Van De Weghe JC and Dan Doherty. July 2017. Novel ciliary proteins and disease mechanisms in Joubert syndrome. FASEB Biology of Cilia and Flagella. Scottsdale, Arizona.
•Van De Weghe JC and Dan Doherty. July 2017. JS genes, cells, and resulting outcomes. 2017 Joubert Syndrome and Related Disorders Conference. Scottsdale, Arizona.
•Van De Weghe JC and Dan Doherty. May 2017. Mutations in ARMC9 cause Joubert syndrome. 2017 Center for Integrative Brain Research Retreat. Seattle, Washington.
•Van De Weghe JC and Dan Doherty. May 2016. In search of the unifying mechanism of Joubert Syndrome. 2016 Northwest Genetics Exchange. Seattle, Washington.
•Craft JM and Lechtreck KF. December 2014. Cilia autonomous regulation of tubulin transport by IFT. 2014 American Society for Cell Biology Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
•Craft JM and Lechtreck KF. June 2014. IFT-dependent transport of tubulin in Chlamydomonas flagella. 16th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas. Pacific Grove, California.
•Van De Weghe JC, Brooke Latour, Tamara Rusterholz, Arianna Gomez, Caitlin Miller, Jennifer Dempsey, Ruxandra Bachmann-Gagescu, Ronald Roepman, and Dan Doherty. December 2018. Genetic and functional approaches highlight a novel ciliary complex implicated in Joubert syndrome. American Society of Cell Biology and European Molecular Biology Organization Conference. San Diego, CA
•Van De Weghe JC and Dan Doherty. December 2017. Novel ciliary proteins and disease mechanisms in Joubert syndrome. Allen Institute for Cell Science Seattle Cell Science Symposium. Seattle, Washington.
•Van De Weghe JC and Dan Doherty. July 2017. Novel ciliary proteins and disease mechanisms in Joubert syndrome. FASEB Biology of Cilia and Flagella. Scottsdale, Arizona.
• Craft JM and Lechtreck KF. July 2015. The C-terminal E-hooks of a- and b-tubulin are dispensable for IFT transport. FASEB Biology of Cilia and Flagella. Snowmass, CO.
•Craft JM, Harris JA, and Lechtreck KF. June 2015. Cilia autonomous regulation of tubulin transport by IFT. Future Fellow Research Conference. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Memphis, Tennessee.
•Craft JM, Harris JA, and Lechtreck KF. December 2014. Cilia autonomous regulation of tubulin transport by IFT. 2014 American Society for Cell Biology Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
•Craft JM, Dymek E, Smith E, and Lechtreck KF. June 2013. PF16 is a cargo of IFT in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. FASEB Biology of Cilia and Flagella Conference. Niagara Falls, New York.
•Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow Jan 2016-present
Department of Pediatrics Division of Genetics
University of Washington Medical Center
PI: Daniel Doherty, M.D, Ph.D.
Investigating the central mechanism of the ciliopathy Joubert syndrome
•Clinical Shadowing 2017-present
Neurodevelopmental Clinic
Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington
•Student Mentor 2011-present
Mentored undergraduates, rotating graduate students, and junior graduate students
•Research Assistant 2011-Dec 2015
Department of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
PI: Karl Lechtreck, Ph.D.
Investigated protein transport in cilia and ciliary assembly
•Teaching Assistant 2009-2014
Department of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
BIOL3110L: Basic Lab Skills- 8 sections total
This intensive laboratory class teaches common skills used in research, such as cloning, western blotting, ELIZA, PCR, and bioinformatics.
• Research Assistant 2009-2011
Department of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases PI: Rick Tarleton, Ph.D.
•Post-Baccalaureate Research Assistant 2008-2009
Department of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases PI: Rick Tarleton, Ph.D.
Mentors: Matt Collins, M.D. Ph.D. and Juan Bustamante Ph.D.
•Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award 2018-2020
Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32) NICHD
1 F32 HD095599-01A1
•Early Investigator Catalyst Award (PI: Van De Weghe) 2018
Granted by the Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS)
ASCB/EMBO travel award 2018
Biolegend Young Investigator Award 2018
UW Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Travel Award 2018
To attend & present at American Society of Human Genetics Conference
American Society of Human Genetics Trainee Spotlight 2018
Travel award to National Postdoc Association Annual Conference 2018
Granted by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Future Faculty Fellow at University of Washington 2016
BioLegend Young Investigator Award 2015
Excellence in graduate research 2015
Nominated by Cellular Biology Department of UGA
Selected to participate in the St. Jude Future Fellow Research Conference 2015
Invited to submit an application (invitation only)
Full travel grant from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Outstanding Teaching Assistant 2012
Nominated by Cellular Biology Department of UGA
Awarded by the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
National Postdoctoral Association 2018-present
500 Women Scientists 2018-present
American Society for Human Genetics 2017-present
University of Washington Postdoctoral Association 2016-present
Institute of Translational Health Sciences 2016-present
American Association for the Advancement of Science 2014-present
American Society for Cell Biology 2014-present
Cell Biology Graduate Student Association, UGA 2010-2015
Selected Reviewer for the Annual UW Postdoc Mentoring Award 2018-present
Co-Peer Reviewer with mentor, Dan Doherty 2016-present
Review for Nature Review Genetics 2018
Article for Human Molecular Genetics 2017
Telethon Grant 2017
Article for PLoS Genetics 2016
Founded & Organize the UW Cilia Journal Club 2016-present
To foster collaborations between investigators working on a range of ciliopathies and physiological processes governed by cilia, I founded a monthly multidisciplinary cilia journal club at the University of Washington. We have ~10 labs involved working on the following topics: iPSCs and kidney organoids to model polycystic kidney disease, hair cell development of the inner ear, planar cell polarity, neuronal migration, G-protein signaling in Giardia, stems cells (hESCs & iPSCs), neuronal signaling, microtubules, and kinesins. This group is used to present original work for discussion and relevant paper presentations. I anticipate continuing to organize this group for the remainder of my duration at UW.
University of Washington Postdoctoral Association Co-Chair 2016-present
The mission of UWPA is to foster professional development, promote networking, and actively advocate for the >1200 UW postdocs. To ensure continuity of our fledgling organization, we wrote and ratified bylaws and held our first official election during my term. As co-chair, I chair board meetings, manage our internal communication mechanisms, write our monthly newsletter, and generally oversee all the other bodies and activities of UWPA. At times of understaffing, I have served as treasurer by applying for funding and managing the budget. I am a liason to the UW Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. I have also organized a workshop on scientific outreach and participated in the organization of two research symposiums.
Cell Biology Graduate Student Association, UGA
President 2013-2014
Social Chairperson Coordinated gatherings and outings 2010-2012
ASHG DNA Day Essay Contest Judge 2019
Letters to a Prescientist 2018
Skype a Scientist 2018
Invited Lecture to the Public for Darwin Day 2018 2018
“CRISPR and genome editing” Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture, Seattle, Washington
Request a Woman Scientist 2018
Initiative from 500 Women Scientists
Washington Junior Science & Humanities Symposium Judge 2017-2018
Evaluated oral presentations from high school students
Awards poster prizes on behalf of UW Postdoc Association
Georgia Junior Science & Humanities Symposium Judge 2010-2015
Evaluated research papers from high school students to determine invitations for oral presentations
Judged oral presentations, gave feedback, and selected students for awards
Georgia Science and Engineering Fair Judge 2012-2015
Junior Division Judge (Grades 6-8)
Judged poster presentations and gave feedback to 6th-8th grade students, selected presentations for awards for junior and senior (9th-12th grade divisions)
Scientific Community Outreach 2012-2015
Gave laboratory demonstrations to groups of middle and high school students with an interest in science 2-4 times per year
Visited local elementary schools for microscopy demonstrations to inspire young minds twice a year
Postdoctoral Career
Dan Doherty, MD PhD, mentor University of Washington Department of Pediatrics
Linda Wordeman, PhD University of Washington Department of Physiology & Biophysics
Dave Raible, PhD University of Washington Department of Biological Structure
Kathleen Millen, PhD Seattle Children’s Research Center of Integrative Brain Research
Graduate Career
Karl Lechtreck, PhD, mentor University of Georgia Department of Cellular Biology
Jacek Gaertig , PhD University of Georgia Department of Cellular Biology
James Lauderdale, PhD University of Georgia Department of Cellular Biology
Vincent Starai, PhD University of Georgia Department of Microbiology