New funding!
Two NIH grants submitted this cycle and new 2-year funding from from OK-INBRE NIGMS P20GM103447.
Halloween 2024
How do you like our Halloween door decoration contest submission? We won 1st place across the OUHSC College of Medicine Basic Science Departments & a pizza party!
Hot grant summer!
For the lab’s second birthday circa August 2024, we held hot grant summer before our annual birthday bash! What a journey it has been, and what better way to celebrate our second anniversary than a hot grant summer.
Chlamydomonas piñata!
Here’s part of our 1 year lab birthday celebration. Building this piñata was a really fun team-building exercise. We didn't have the heart to smash it just yet though, obviously as seen here relaxing at the bar at the CVDW Lab First Annual Birthday Bash!
Incoming assistant professor!
*BIG NEWS* It’s official! This summer, I’ll start as an Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Dept of Cell Biology! I’m super excited about this new adventure! My lab will focus on cellular mechanisms underlying ciliopathy disorders and how ciliopathy-related proteins function in both health & disease using human cells & Chlamydomonas. So grateful to the truly excellent mentors I’ve had along the way!
New paper available online!
After 4+ years, the second part of my dissertation is now accepted for publication at Journal of Cell Science. Check out my informative twitter thread here!
Notice of Award!
Finally transitioned from F32 funding to K99 and I just received this beautiful document!
I just received word that my K99 application will be funded through NICHD! I’ll investigate how pathogenic cilopathy-related variants cause abnormal protein composition of the primary cilium using a combination of functional proteomics, genome engineering, and live-cell microscopy.
We can now identify the genetic cause in >70% of our UW Joubert syndrome cohort!*
*This animation is a dramatization to replicate a fundraising thermometer-style graphic and does not reflect actual ciliary assembly mechanisms.
Check out this Nature Careers article featuring the K99 Peer Mentoring group I founded at the University of Washington!
In grad school, I make decorative pillows for my grandmothers featuring figure 1 from my first first author paper.
I'm working on a recap presentation of FASEB Biology of Cilia and Flagella Conference for UW Cilia Journal Club. In case you missed the meeting, here's a word cloud made from the oral presentation abstracts!
The end of FASEB Biology of Cilia and Flagella 2019 has brought to mind this postcard I found at an estate sale in Seattle, surely from one academic to another post-conference in 1999.
Maroon Vista (11,325 ft) is breathtaking! Now back to last sessions of this amazing conference. FASEB Biology of Cilia and Flagella Conference 2019 at Snowmass, CO
Sometimes I ponder about cilia at high altitude with friends during breaks at FASEB Biology of Cilia and Flagella Conference 2019.